Analysis of Contents of the Indonesian Public Relations Textbook on Digital Public Relations

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I Gusti Ngurah Putra


Textbooks play an important role in the learning process in universities. They must be able to present the latest developments in theory, concepts and their application in everyday life. In the field of public relations, the existence of textbooks has been recorded since  public relations as a scientific discipline was taught in universities. Unfortunately, there is  almost no  research that examines public relations textbooks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research asks the question of  how does public relations textbook written by Indonesian authors discuss digital public relations? The research was conducted through a qualitative approach by describing the discussion of digital public relations and analyzing how public relations textbooks place digital communication technology in public relations. This study found that not all introductory public relations textbooks published between 2015-2020 presented a chapter on digital public relations. The introductory public relations textbooks analyzed presented various digital public relations topics.  However, only one textbook that discusses digital public relations is relatively adequate as an introduction.  There is a tendency to see digital media technology as a continuation of previous media technology.  Digital media has not been fully placed as a medium that allows the process of dialogue and sees media users as the public who can create, produce, modify and share messages through social networks. This research has only succeeded in identifying four textbooks so that the results of this research cannot be used to make generalizations about the discussion of digital public relations. Further research can be directed to study by comparing digital public relations discussions in English texts or translations with Indonesian textbooks.

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How to Cite
Putra, I. G. N. (2022). Analysis of Contents of the Indonesian Public Relations Textbook on Digital Public Relations. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 7(1), 187–197.
Author Biography

I Gusti Ngurah Putra, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Socio Yustisia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 - Indonesia

I Gusti Ngurah Putra is an associate professor at the Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia since 1988 with a teaching specialization in the fields of public relations or public relations, mass communication, crisis communication and government communication management. He completed his undergraduate education at UGM and postgraduate at the University of Canberra, Australia. He has written books, book chapters, journal articles and print media articles on communication and media in Indonesia. His book Public Relations Management (1999) published by Atma Jaya University Publishing Yogyakarta was revised into the 'Public Relations Management' module published by the Jakarta Open University. He also wrote a module on Engineering Public Relations and Indonesian Communication Systems published by the Open University. He has experience as a journal reviewer and has also been the Manager of the Journal of Social and Political Sciences published by FISIPOL UGM. IGN. Putra is also a member of the ICA (International Communication Association) and ISKI (Indonesian Communication Association) and has been the Chairman of the Indonesian Public Relations Association (Perhumas) Yogyakarta. In addition, he was a commissioner at the Special Region of Yogyakarta KPID.


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