Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (JKISKI) is an international peer-reviewed journal organized and published by the Indonesian Association of Communication Scholars (ISKI) in collaboration with Faculty of Communication Padjadjaran University. This journal is a follow-up of the previous JKISKI which was firstly published in 1991. Since 2016, it has been published electronically with new ISSN: e-ISSN 2503-0795 and p-ISSN 2548-8740.
The journal consists of online and print versions, published bi-annually at the end of June and December of the current year. As a scientific periodical, the journal is subject to standard provisions of peer reviews conducted by Communication Scholars from various universities. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer review and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication.
The JKISKI is for publications focusing on social life in which communication occurs through the use of various media. The manuscripts to be published include the results of research, theoretical thinking, and the study of various phenomena of human life in communication. The area of research of JISKI are, but not limited to:
- Communication and National Resilience
- Communication and Policies
- Communication, War, and Conflicts
- Health Communication
- Globalization and Social Impact
- Media, Democracy and Integration
- Media Literacy and Media Education
- Media and Tourism
- Media and Development
- Media, Popular Culture, and Society
- Media and Religion
- Media and Identity
- Media and Law
- Politics, Hegemony, and the Media
- Gender and Sexuality in the Media
- The Social Media and Subcultures
- Youth and Media Globalization
- Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Power
- Audience Analysis
The JKISKI was designated as scientific periodicals accredited dated September 26, 2019 by the Director General of Strengthening the Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28/E/KPT/2019 as a Sinta-2. It was valid since volume 4(1) in 2019 until volume 8(1) in 2023. After that, JKISKI was again recognized as a SINTA-2 journal based on the Degree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology number 153/E/KPT/2023 dated September 25, 2023 which is valid for five years starting from volume 7(2) in 2022 to volume 12(1) 2027.
The Journal has been using Open Journal System requiring all writers to register in advance before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. Afterward, the editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the manuscript processing. The Journal publishes the selected paper under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License