The Social Media Marketing Mix Trends in Indonesia for 2024: Communication Perspective

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Rosmawaty Hilderiah Pandjaitan


Background: 86% of marketers believe social media marketing mix trends have influenced their profits. This condition significantly changes the business world and offers integrated marketing communications strategy options.This is a qualitative research in the interpretive paradigm. Using netnography or virtual ethnography or digital ethnography methods, this research attempts to explore and analyze the complex meaning of Indonesia's latest social media statistical data, compiled from We Are Social and The Global Statistics. We support data from Pew Research Center, Statista, Deloitte, Forbes, Insider Intelligence, Forrester, LinkedIn, GlobalWebIndex, CMO Survey, and the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) method. The analytical tools used are Computer-Mediated Communication Theory, Everett Rogers' Theory of Diffusion of Innovation, etc. In 2024, the social media marketing mix (SMMM) will be dominated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) including Generative A.I. and ChatGPT technology, as well as creative content that is entertaining and capable of attracting various kinds of people, and creates social polemics too. The principle, "Give what they want, take what you need," is used to get support from Gen Z and Millennials. This principle is needed to build trust and loyalty. Many companies will carry out promotions focusing only on social media platforms that provide benefits, and social media trends in  Indonesia include Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. The promotional message will consist of product quality, price, and comfort. These three aspects will also be communicated extensively using A.I. technology and ChatGPT.

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How to Cite
Pandjaitan, R. H. (2024). The Social Media Marketing Mix Trends in Indonesia for 2024: Communication Perspective. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 9(1), 251–269.


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